Zeesa Na Sports began as a vision in the mind of a passionate yogi and environmental advocate, Jenny Ingelsson. She found her peace and balance in the midst of lush forests and calm seas, where the Earth spoke to her through every breath of fresh air and every sound of the waves. This connection to nature inspired Jenny to create a brand that not only supported a healthy lifestyle through yoga but also respected and protected the planet.

The Mission
At Zeesa Na Sports, our mission is simple yet profound: to provide high-quality yoga gear that is kind to both the body and the Earth. We believe in the power of yoga to transform lives and the responsibility we have to ensure our products contribute to a sustainable future. Every mat, block, and strap we offer is a testament to our commitment to the environment.

The Journey
Our journey began with extensive research into sustainable materials. We sought out the best eco-friendly resources, from natural rubber harvested without deforestation to organic cotton grown without harmful pesticides. Each product is crafted with care, ensuring it not only meets the needs of yogis around the world but also supports the well-being of our planet.

The Products
Zeesa Na Sports offers a range of yoga accessories designed with the Earth in mind. Our mats are made from biodegradable materials, providing a non-toxic and durable foundation for your practice. Our blocks are carved from sustainable cork, offering support while reducing your ecological footprint. Even our packaging is eco-friendly, made from recycled materials and designed to be reused or composted.

The Impact
By choosing Zeesa Na Sports, you are joining a community of like-minded individuals who believe in making mindful choices. Each product you purchase supports sustainable farming, reduces plastic waste, and contributes to reforestation projects. Together, we are making a difference, one yoga session at a time.

The Future
Looking ahead, Zeesa Na Sports is dedicated to continuous innovation in sustainability. We are constantly exploring new materials and methods to reduce our impact on the environment further. Our goal is to inspire a global movement towards eco-friendly practices in the yoga community and beyond.

Join Us
Join us on this journey of balance, health, and environmental stewardship. Embrace the tranquility of nature with Zeesa Na Sports, where your practice supports a healthier planet. Together, we can achieve harmony between our inner selves and the world around us.

Zeesa Na Sports – Feel the Earth. Embrace the Flow.